Be Our Light

Us is Only Possible with You

To get this far, we have had to make considerable sacrifices; we have given up a lot. However, the pursuit of Meaningful Goals, Progress, Truth, Integrity and Human Development is a worthwhile endeavour worth striving for. Your support can take us to new levels of human benefit, valuable achievement and collective global impact.

There are greater benefits to giving regular support:

Even, the smallest contribution is a worthwhile one:

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It was Always About Us. All Of Us. Unquestionably Us.

What human goals does your support achieve?


Your interest, trust, and engagement alone is valuable to our work. Any contribution towards our collective human efforts is a wise and rewarding investment in our collective future, and for generations to come.

Having a large number of participants, in any capacity, is a powerful achievement within itself, as it displays how meaningful and important human dignity, welfare, development and respect are to the most capable global citizens. That’s you!

It takes people, time, equipment, experts, and other services for us to to be able to deliver our collective mission and beneficial outcomes in the best interest of our fellow human beings within our own nations and those around the world. Hence, there are costs involved.

We also need the commitment and support of our fellow human beings in order to achieve major victories, especially some of the legal cases we will need to complete in order to win more funds for our work. These legal cases, combined with public pressure, will lead to more fruitful societies for humans beings across the world.

Your support enables us to undertake our own challenging work on your behalf, and enable others to undertake difficult and complex work in your best interests.

We take on the risk and suffering. We have spent the last 5-6 years taking on the risk and suffering in the collective best human interest of every global citizen.

We want to show the rest of the world what you helped Us University achieve together. Of course, you deserve fair credit for your role!

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How do you guarantee that value is being achieved?


Achieving our collective human goals has many costs associated with such a noble ambition, however, our achievements so far prove that we are returning greater value to the lives and economy than the money that has been spent.

This is known as our Return Ratio. A positive Return Ration exists when the value of the benefits achieved is greater than the amount spent to achieve those meaningful outcomes.

Calculating a Return Ratio is not always an exact science, but we can prove that for every £1 or $1 spent, we are able to return at least 4-8 times that amount in human and economic value and benefits. In simple terms, for every $1 or £1 we spend we achieve at least $4-$8 or £4-£8 of human and economic value and benefits in return.

But this was just in our pilot and test stages, which were completely funded by our personal sacrifices of everything we owned. We hope this displays the level of confidence and commitment we have to this set of collective human goals.

Now that we are established and ready to launch to the public, with your support and participation, we can quite easily achieve a Return Ratio of more than 20 times our expenditure, maybe even 50.

What makes this greater achievement possible is the breadth and depth of our reach and the level of your support and participation. We will endeavour to share content that explains this potential further, so that you can better appreciate and trust in our work.

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We started without any materialistic incentive or purpose.

Our Uncompromising Motivations were the Sacred Principles, Values and Benefits of Empowering Individuals and their Communities. We cared about People, their Potential and Achieving Quality Outcomes Together.