We aim to be Unquestionable

We aim to forge an Unquestionable Trust with Global Citizens by actively displaying a relentless pursuit of Truth and establishing Integrity.

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Making Information Impactful

Our Simple Mission is to Provide new and innovative Services and Resources to Individuals and Communities that:

Facilitate Empowerment, Healing, and Progress &

Increase Knowledge, Capability, and Confidence

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university (n.)

c. 1300,

Old French universite "universality; academic community", from Medieval Latin universitatem (nominative universitas), "the whole, aggregate," in Late Latin "corporation, society," from universus "whole, entire"(universe). In the academic sense, a shortening of universitas magistrorum et scholarium "community of masters and scholars."

Our use of the term “University” is a respect for the origins of the intention; to discuss and share knowledge in the interest of making human progress within communities.

Please Note: We do not issue any formal qualification such as degree, as the purpose of our existence is far greater than a piece of paper.

Our aim is to seek, organise, innovate and share Knowledge and Impactful Information to help people around the world increase their Capability and Confidence; achieving both their individual progress and growth, as well as the development and success of their local communities and various connectivity groups.

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Our path to achieving our collective goals as individuals and global communities is heavily dependent on your participation, support and contributions.

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